Bridging the financing gap of nature-based solutions
Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA), Aruba National Park FoundationArxen Alders, representing Grant Thornton Aruba & Bonaire, began his presentation by emphasizing the scale of the current biodiversity crisis and the urgency of adequate financial investment. Given the magnitude of the problem, it is perhaps easiest to consider the financing needs across four different scales: local, landscape, national and regional, with each scale requiring tailored strategies for effective resource mobilization. This was all summarized through three primary goals, which can be used to guide financing efforts for nature-based solutions (NBS).
1: Build an evidence-based case for biodiversity
Creating a compelling case for biodiversity is essential to garner support. It’s not just about conservation – it’s about communicating tangible advantages to stakeholders, policymakers, and the wider public.
2: Diversify sources and mechanisms
Relying on a single source of funding is risky. Alders advocated for diversifying sources and mechanisms to ensure a more resilient financial foundation. This involves exploring a combination of public and private funding, grants, and innovative financing mechanisms.
3: Design sustainable finance models
Sustainability is key to the success of nature-based solutions. Alders urged the development of finance models that are not only effective in the short term but also sustainable in the long run. This includes exploring self-sustaining initiatives that generate revenue for ongoing conservation efforts.
Need for action
Arxen Alders’ presentation at the nature-based solutions symposium underscored the pressing need for increased financing in the realm of NBS. By adopting a multi-scale approach, diversifying funding sources, and designing sustainable finance models, stakeholders can contribute to the effective incorporation of NBS in Dutch Caribbean projects. The journey ahead involves collaborative efforts, innovative solutions, and a shared commitment to safeguarding biodiversity for generations to come.
To watch the full video of Arxen Alder’s s presentation, please see below:
YouTube (source: DCNA)
Presentation by Arxen Alders. You can also watch the video onVideos of the other presentations will be shared with you weekly. If you can't wait, (re-)watch the recording of the symposium on the DCNA YouTube channel.
DCNA extends its gratitude towards the sponsors; Milton Harms Fonds in collaboration with Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied, Aruba Tourism Authority, VNO Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, Grant Thornton, Dutch Postcode Lottery, and Pelican Adventure, for contributing to the symposium and supporting an environment of collaboration and progress, exemplifying the power of partnership in driving positive ecological change.
Learn more about the DCNA by following us on social media via Facebook (Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance), Instagram (DCNAnature), LinkedIn (Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance) and visiting the website.
Text, video and photos: Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance