Nature reports

Publisher: Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)

Page 6 of 9 - 83 Results

The common Caribbean coral Porites astreoides was found on both the artificial and natural reef.

Manmade structures such as seawalls, breakwaters, and jetties are increasing in frequency in marine coastal environments. Overtime, these structures are unintentionally recruiting marine life such as corals, resulting in the..

Continue reading 04 July 2021   3 jaar oud
Lesser Antillean Iguana (Iguana delicatissima)

Thousands of residences on St. Vincent are in need of humanitarian aid following the recent eruptions of the La Soufrière volcano. As large quantities of relief supplies are arriving from far and wide, stakeholders from twelve..

Continue reading 23 May 2021   3 jaar oud
ontmoeting mantarog lead

DCNA is partnering with the Caribbean Islands Manta Conservation Program, an affiliate project of the Manta Trust, and to track local manta rays and devil rays within the Dutch Caribbean. When citizen scientists..

Continue reading 03 April 2021   3 jaar oud

In a Dutch marine lab the sea urchin Diadema antillarum has been cultivated. This sea urchin eats algae and is therefore important to help restore the coral reefs around Saba and Sint Eustatius (Caribbean Netherlands). The first..

Continue reading 31 March 2021   3 jaar oud

Alarmingly high levels of twelve heavy metals, including mercury, have been found in the muscle tissues of large reef sharks and tiger sharks in The Bahamas. These new findings, published earlier this year in Scientific Reports,..

Continue reading 30 January 2021   3 jaar oud

Researchers from Wageningen University and Research compiled thousands of photographs taken on Bonaire to analyze tourist activities and highlight the most common visited locations. Understanding the visitortypes and how they are..

Continue reading 01 January 2021   3 jaar oud
Hagedis Anolis allogus in Cubaans regenwoud

Generally, species are described as being diurnally or nocturnally active, depending on physiological limitations; diurnal species are not able to perceive their world in the absence of sunlight. Rare are observations reported..

Continue reading 13 December 2020   3 jaar oud
Queen Triggerfish (Balistes vetula)

Wageningen Marine Research and the Saba Bank Management Unit (SMBU) recently published an evaluation of the effectiveness of the seasonal fishing bans within Moonfish Bank based on the first five years of fish catch data. These..

Continue reading 21 October 2020   3 jaar oud
Hydrophones (underwater microphones) on the Saba Bank record sounds of a variety of marine species, from whales and dolphins to schools of fish

Since 2011, noise loggers have been collecting acoustic data of marine mammals, fish and man-made noises within Saba Bank. This project, a collaborate effort between Wageningen Marine Research and the Saba Conservation Foundation,..

Continue reading 14 October 2020   3 jaar oud
Close-up of settler

Diadema sea-urchins play a vital role in maintaining a balanced coral reef ecosystem by grazing away algae and creating bare substrate for coral recruitment. The RAAK PRO Diadema project aims to develop interventions to improve..

Continue reading 06 October 2020   3 jaar oud
