Nature reports

Publisher: Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Page 2 of 6 - 57 Results

Foto van het fossiel van Eriptychius americanus

Using X-ray imaging, Naturalis researcher Richard Dearden and colleagues have discovered what the cartilages that surrounded the brain of the 455-million-year-old fish Eriptychius americanus looked like. Dearden's research was..

Continue reading 23 September 2023   1 jaar oud
Geringde scholeksters met GPS-zenders

Tens of thousands of animals around the world are monitored using GPS trackers to protect wildlife and study animal behaviour. The collected data are also useful for biodiversity research, but are seldom available on platforms..

Continue reading 21 January 2023   2 jaar oud
Achyranthes mangarevica Suess., een kleine boom alleen bekend van het eilandje Mangareva.

If a dried specimen of an extinct plant species still has seeds in a herbarium, is the plant really extinct? A global team of scientists toyed with that question. To arrive at the answer, they made a survey of all extinct plants..

Continue reading 29 December 2022   2 jaar oud
Roderick Bouman

The plant genus Phyllanthus was large and complex. PhD student Roderick Bouman disentangled it. ..

Continue reading 10 December 2022   2 jaar oud
Europese Boomkikker (Hyla arborea) (VOOR EENMALIG GEBRUIK)

Biology students from Leiden University have discovered two tree frog species in the Dutch coastal dunes that do not occur there naturally. A special DNA-technique revealed these potentially harmful tree frogs. Remarkable, but..

Continue reading 02 December 2022   2 jaar oud
Bewoners van het 'eiland van de dwergdinosauriërs' gelegen in het huidige Transylvanië tijdens het Krijt: Transylvanosaurus met schildpadden, krokodillen, grote pterosauriërs en andere dwergdinosauriërs

An international team of researchers has discovered a previously unknown species of dinosaur in western Romania and named it after its location in Transylvania: Transylvanosaurus platycephalus lived about 70 million years ago, and..

Continue reading 26 November 2022   2 jaar oud

Why do some plants grow into large woody shrubs or colossal trees, while others remain small and never produce wood in their stems? It’s an evolutionary puzzle that already baffled Charles Darwin more than 160 year ago. Now,..

Continue reading 10 September 2022   2 jaar oud
Tulipa sylvestris, ook wel bekend als de wilde tulp

The Netherlands is known for its beautiful and colourful tulips. Though most tulips originate from the Ottoman empire, Tulipa sylvestris, the wild tulip, followed a different path. Anastasia Stefanaki and Tinde van Andel, both..

Continue reading 09 April 2022   2 jaar oud

The skull and skin of a fishing cat have been in the collections of Naturalis for two hundred years, but only recently did they receive attention. What researchers found can inform us about the history of Singapore – natural and..

Continue reading 06 April 2022   2 jaar oud
Verschillende soorten mossen en algen hechten zich aan straattegels, bakstenen en beton.

Which 'hidden' organisms live in the city? How can we use these organisms to help trees grow better, make concrete more plant-friendly and measure heat stress? Will city dwellers act more environmentally conscious if they let..

Continue reading 02 April 2022   2 jaar oud
