Nature reports

Publisher: Wageningen University

Page 1 of 3 - 22 Results

Hand op mos

Nature is under severe pressure worldwide and recent studies project a continued loss. Despite the strong dependence and impact of our society on the many services that nature provides, the worldwide economic impact is largely..

Continue reading 02 July 2024   3 wkn oud
Tulipa sylvestris, ook wel bekend als de wilde tulp

The Netherlands is known for its beautiful and colourful tulips. Though most tulips originate from the Ottoman empire, Tulipa sylvestris, the wild tulip, followed a different path. Anastasia Stefanaki and Tinde van Andel, both..

Continue reading 09 April 2022   2 jaar oud
Pasture and young secondary forest Brazil - Anhembi

Tropical forests are converted at an alarming rate through deforestation. A new study, published in Science, shows that regrowing tropical forests recover surprisingly fast on abandoned land. ..

Continue reading 12 December 2021   2 jaar oud

New research from Wageningen University, University of Amsterdam and Florida International University highlighted the role herbivorous fish species play in staving off non-native seagrass invasions. A healthy and diverse fish..

Continue reading 23 November 2021   2 jaar oud
leadfoto van moseiken campus Wageningen University

Autumn colours are now gradually appearing in nature. Years of time-lapse videos from the GrowApp show that leaf colouring starts relatively late this year in The Netherlands. Cause: the warm September and the absence of night..

Continue reading 11 October 2021   2 jaar oud
De wolvin bezocht met name de provincies Drenthe, Overijssel en Gelderland

Wolves have returned to the Netherlands. Over the past few years, the animals have started passing through the Netherlands, with a number of them deciding to settle here. “It’s a unique situation,” says researcher Hugh Jansman...

Continue reading 08 October 2021   2 jaar oud
Park, bomen

Green spaces are important to our mental health. With urbanisation on the rise, people living in cities have less access to green areas. At the same time, the number of Europeans with mental health issues has increased by sixteen..

Continue reading 04 October 2021   2 jaar oud

Young green turtles’ behaviour is influenced by tourists feeding the animals. This was discovered by researchers of Wageningen University & Research through the use of TurtleCams: cameras mounted on the shells of green turtles in..

Continue reading 03 February 2021   3 jaar oud
Lined seedeater

An aggressive wasp has attacked a baby bird in its nest and then ate its head. This special attack was captured on camera during a study by Wageningen University & Research in Brazil. The images show that the attack took more than..

Continue reading 13 October 2020   3 jaar oud
Muggen gevangen in Rwanda

A year-long collection of mosquitoes with self-made traps and over a hundred volunteers in rural Rwanda reporting mosquito nuisance revealed when and where malaria risks were the highest. In addition to their reporting, the..

Continue reading 09 September 2020   3 jaar oud
