Nature reports

Publisher: Wageningen Environmental Research

Page 1 of 3 - 28 Results


Climate change has an effect on forests and trees. They suffer from heatwaves and periods of drought. Although we see tree mortality increase as a result, much is still unknown about the underlying mechanisms. ..

Continue reading 17 April 2024   3 mnd oud
Strand Terschelling

Visiting the beach and enjoying the sun and the sea. For many of us, this is an important way to relax in warm weather. However, Dutch beaches are becoming increasingly crowded. This means that it is not only difficult to find a..

Continue reading 06 April 2024   3 mnd oud
Lentevliegende zwarte sachembij op voederwikke

Since 2018, researchers from Wageningen University & Research have been measuring bees and flowers across the Geuldal area of South Limburg to understand how to improve habitat for bees. A recent study shows that across five years..

Continue reading 26 January 2024   6 mnd oud
Plastic afval

Plastic pollution is a global problem and Dutch rivers are no exception. Anyone who has ever walked along their banks will know the sight of bottles, caps and food packaging. But some of that litter may originate from elsewhere...

Continue reading 01 December 2023   7 mnd oud
Mangroves in Spaans Lagoen (Aruba). Beeld in overleg te gebruiken, contact

Aruba has seen a major increase of its wetland areas protected under the Ramsar Convention. On 10 November 2023 the Aruban Minister of Nature announced the official designation of four new Ramsar sites. With also the extension of..

Continue reading 13 November 2023   8 mnd oud

What are the negative consequences for birds of prey now that the number of wind turbines in the Netherlands is only increasing? And how can we prevent them? ..

Continue reading 02 March 2023   1 jaar oud
Onderzoek naar leefgebied inheemse kwal in Caribisch gebied

Researchers from Wageningen University & Research and the University of Amsterdam report on a fascinating case of competition between an animal and an invasive pIant. In tropical ecosystems, photosynthesizing organisms are..

Continue reading 20 February 2023   1 jaar oud
Berghelling in Noord Tatra (Polen)

European forests are being increasingly affected by natural disturbances, a new ground-based observation study shows. An international team of forest scientists from Wageningen University & Research (WUR), the European Forest..

Continue reading 12 December 2022   1 jaar oud
Verjongingsplek Oostereng

Dutch forests are becoming increasingly diverse. For the first time since recording began eight decades ago, more deciduous than coniferous trees were recorded. This variation in species is good for biodiversity and increases the..

Continue reading 13 July 2022   2 jaar oud
Ven in Grenspark Kalmthoutse Heide in Noord-Brabant

Imagine that you are sitting on the shore of a lake on a warm and sunny day. You just bought an ice cream and are enjoying it with your feet in the water. And then, whoops, the scoop drops from the cone into the water. The scoop..

Continue reading 18 May 2022   2 jaar oud
