Nature reports

File: Ecosystem services

Page 4 of 8 - 79 Results

Neem Tree

The neem tree is an invasive species that was introduced to the Caribbean in the early 1900s. Originally from India, this tree was brought over for its medicinal, pesticidal and ornamental properties. Locals soon realized this..

Continue reading 13 May 2023   1 jaar oud
Giant manta ray

Manta rays are highly charismatic creatures that inhabit the waters of the Dutch Caribbean. In addition to being a highly prized find for divers and snorkelers, they are also important for healthy oceans as they can help control..

Continue reading 29 April 2023   1 jaar oud

Nearly 2.5 billion years ago, seas on our planet alternately contained more or less oxygen, due to the slow 'wobble' of the rotating Earth. PhD student Margriet Lantink: "The fact that the Earth eventually became an oxygen-rich..

Continue reading 31 March 2023   1 jaar oud

Many native animals that disperse plant seeds on the island of Mauritius have gone extinct during the past centuries. This includes iconic species such as the dodo and giant tortoises, now replaced by non-native fruit-eating..

Continue reading 16 March 2023   1 jaar oud

The rate of deforestation in the Amazon is much higher than previously thought. As a result, there is a risk of reaching a tipping point, after which the ecosystem will be irreversibly altered. And that could have catastrophic..

Continue reading 15 February 2023   2 jaar oud
Berghelling in Noord Tatra (Polen)

European forests are being increasingly affected by natural disturbances, a new ground-based observation study shows. An international team of forest scientists from Wageningen University & Research (WUR), the European Forest..

Continue reading 12 December 2022   2 jaar oud
Grazende zeeschildpad, grazing green sea turtle

Sea turtles have been overharvested in the past, resulting in their endangered population status. But since two decades, their populations have recovered in certain areas around the world, and their ecological role is unfolding. ..

Continue reading 09 November 2022   2 jaar oud
Mangrove channel

The mangrove forest of Lac Bay, Bonaire, is experiencing a die-off of trees in its northern area. Increasing the tidal exchange by creek restoration likely enlarges the living conditions of the mangrove trees. A collaboration..

Continue reading 29 August 2022   2 jaar oud
Red mangrove propagules

Since 2020, the Mangrove Maniacs have planted over 1500 mangroves along the southwest coast of Bonaire. A new collaborative project with Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences monitored and mapped these newly planted..

Continue reading 04 July 2022   2 jaar oud

Water is the bloodstream of the biosphere. But we are profoundly changing the water cycle. This is now affecting the health of the entire planet, making it significantly less resilient to shocks. The freshwater change planetary..

Continue reading 26 April 2022   2 jaar oud
