Nature reports

File: Ecosystem services

Page 7 of 8 - 76 Results

Green jay

In the latest peer-reviewed publication on the potential impacts of a border wall on plants and animals, conservation biologists, led by a pair of scientists from The University of Texas at Austin, say that border walls threaten..

Continue reading 06 April 2018   6 jaar oud
wormkruidbij Tilburg

A study of 48 farms in two states shows abundance of species means lots of pollination. The larger an area, the more species of wild bees are needed to pollinate crops...

Continue reading 20 February 2018   6 jaar oud
Ocean, zee, oceaan

In the past 50 years, the amount of water in the open ocean with zero oxygen has gone up more than fourfold. In coastal water bodies, including estuaries and seas, low-oxygen sites have increased more than 10-fold since 1950...

Continue reading 12 January 2018   6 jaar oud
Doorgroeid fonteinkruid

Massive growth of submerged aquatic plants can be a nuisance, especially in summer. It's up to water managers to limit the inconvenience for swimmers, boats and fishermen in a way that is both responsible and cost-effective. In..

Continue reading 03 January 2018   6 jaar oud
forest, bos

Nature could cost-effectively deliver over a third of greenhouse gas emissions reductions required to prevent dangerous levels of global warming. This is equivalent to a complete stop to the burning of oil, worldwide...

Continue reading 24 October 2017   6 jaar oud
bumble bee

New research from a team of Florida State University scientists and their collaborators is helping to explain the link between a changing global climate and a dramatic decline in bumble bee populations worldwide. ..

Continue reading 06 October 2017   6 jaar oud
Xanthopimpla punctata. Een sluipwesp

Parasitic wasps can move their ovipositor, a tube-like organ for laying eggs, in any direction by changing the shape of the end of the tube. Therefore, they can steer the ovipositor with muscles in their abdomen. This technique..

Continue reading 11 September 2017   6 jaar oud
Door storm en ouderdom is een open plek in het berkenbos ontstaan

Forests around the world are at risk of death due to widespread drought, University of Stirling researchers have found. An analysis suggests that forests are at risk globally from the increased frequency and severity of droughts...

Continue reading 16 June 2017   7 jaar oud
Lodestone Reef in Great Barrier Reef, Chromis viridis on coral

The future of the world’s coral reefs hangs in the balance, but it is not too late to save them, according to a major study published in the prestigious journal, Nature...

Continue reading 02 June 2017   7 jaar oud
Experiment with exotic plants

When it comes to their role in aquatic ecosystems, exotic water plants are generally no different than indigenous species. In fact, they can be an asset, argues Bart Grutters of NIOO-KNAW in his PhD thesis. That doesn't mean all..

Continue reading 21 April 2017   7 jaar oud
