Nature reports

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Red-billed tropicbird at Plaza Sur

Black rats pose a significant threat to the biodiversity on Sint Eustatius. A rodent control project, funded by the Ministry LNV and implemented by Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute (CNSI), was launched in 2017. Over the..

Continue reading 13 November 2019   5 jaar oud
Hybride leguaan gevangen op Dominica

Hurricane Maria devasted several Caribbean islands in 2017. A major relief campaign was launched to help the affected population of the Commonwealth of Dominica. It has now been established that in addition to emergency aid,..

Continue reading 09 November 2019   5 jaar oud
Brand vlakbij

They were all over the news in August and September: the massive forest fires in South America. Thousands of hectares burned down and many precious natural areas were destroyed. In this disastrous and dangerous environment,..

Continue reading 31 October 2019   5 jaar oud
Resource mapping exercises like this one are carried out separately with men and women in the Oku communities. Mount Kilum, Cameroon

Science… You might associate the term with professors with thick glasses and white coats, or large university buildings. For ages, science has been like that indeed. A new field originated during the past few decades though, based..

Continue reading 28 September 2019   5 jaar oud
Southern long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae)

Bonaire houses about two hundred caves. These caves provide crucial habitat for several important animal species, especially five species of the island’s only native terrestrial mammals, the bats. The Bonaire Caves and Karst..

Continue reading 20 September 2019   5 jaar oud
This is a kaka, an endangered parrot species endemic to New Zealand

The arrival of humans in New Zealand, some 700 years ago, triggered a wave of extinction among native bird species. Many more species are currently under threat. Calculations by scientists show that it would take at least 50..

Continue reading 14 August 2019   5 jaar oud

The sea turtle nesting season has officially started: each of the Dutch Caribbean Islands has reported their first hatchlings of the year. The official season runs between April and December, with slight differences between the..

Continue reading 03 August 2019   5 jaar oud

Professor Menno Schilthuizen, author of 'Darwin in the city', and Naturalis researcher Niels Kerstes cooperated with Vincent Kalkman and Thijmen Breeschoten on research into how urban temperatures have impacted the evolution of..

Continue reading 25 July 2019   5 jaar oud
Tagged tiger shark during the DCNA's Save Our Sharks expedition in 2016

An international expedition for shark research to the Saba Bank is taking place from July 15 to July 25. The main goal is to gain insight in the role of the Saba Bank in the life cycle of different shark species, in order to..

Continue reading 19 July 2019   5 jaar oud
Parietaria judaica Klein glaskruid Saxifraga-Ed Stikvoort

Climate change affects our health. The consequences that climate change can have on our health, for instance heat stress, allergies, diseases, air quality and UV-radiation, have hitherto never been documented this extensively: as..

Continue reading 03 July 2019   5 jaar oud



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