Nature reports

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Cygnus cygnus. Wilde zwaan

Global populations of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish have declined by 58 percent between 1970 and 2012. Animals living in the world’s lakes, rivers, and freshwater systems have experienced the most dramatic..

Continue reading 31 October 2016   7 jaar oud
zager op jacht naar voedsel, zeeduizenpoot

Ragworms that live in the seabed of tidal flats and marshes are opportunistic feeders and known to eat practically anything. Nevertheless, it was a big surprise to researchers when they discovered that the worms also have a much..

Continue reading 28 October 2016   7 jaar oud
Naturalis Biodiversity Centre

Since 2010 the island of Sint Eustatius is a special Dutch municipality. In spite of being part of the Netherlands for over three centuries, its biodiversity is not well studied. For this reason Naturalis set out two expeditions..

Continue reading 25 October 2016   7 jaar oud
Z. marina Sylt

Dutch biologists have discovered that seagrass seed is killed by waterborne fungi that are related to the well-known potato blight. These fungi, which have not previously been found in seawater, hinder seed germination and thus..

Continue reading 08 October 2016   8 jaar oud
Elephants in Amboseli National Park, Kenya

Africa’s overall elephant population has seen the worst declines in 25 years, mainly due to poaching over the past ten years – according to IUCN’s African Elephant Status Report launched today at the 17th meeting of the Conference..

Continue reading 05 October 2016   8 jaar oud
In het voorjaar ontwaken de kleinere mannen enkele weken eerder dan de grote vrouwen om zich voor te bereiden op de paring. Deze ringslangmannen kijken uit naar het eerste vrouwtje die ontwaakt uit de winterslaap

Last year, Rijkswaterstaat (part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment) carried out major repairs on some parts of the dykes of the former island of Marken in the IJsselmeer. Because this snake hibernates in..

Continue reading 26 May 2016   8 jaar oud
Het vliegtuig heeft speciale ronde ramen, dit geeft een onbelemmerd uitzicht op de zee onder het vliegtuig

This week, a group of eight researchers from five European countries is together for a special meeting in Le Touquet, France, to prepare a survey to assess the abundance and distribution of cetaceans in the European North Sea and..

Continue reading 17 May 2016   8 jaar oud
Alleen kanoeten met lange snavels kunnen bij de diep ingegraven schelpdieren in de tropische overwinteringsgebieden. Individuen met kortere snavels zijn gedwongen te leven van zeegraswortels

Red knots migrate between their summer breeding grounds in the high Arctic and their wintering grounds in the West African tropics. Chicks currently born in the Arctic attain smaller sizes before migration starts because they miss..

Continue reading 13 May 2016   8 jaar oud
Gewone padden op trek

If all the amphibians that were helped over the road in the Netherlands were put nose to tail, there would be a queue of nearly 19 kilometres, roughly the distance between Amsterdam and Utrecht; an increase of 2.5 kilometres..

Continue reading 10 May 2016   8 jaar oud
Leo van der Heiden (Ministerie EZ), Teo Wams (Natuurmonumenten), Dianne Nijland (Vogelbescherming Nederland) en François Kremer (Europese Commissie, of beter:  Natura 2000 Policy Coordinator at the European Commission's Nature Unit).

The Netherlands could become an example of a densely populated and fertile river delta where both nature and culture will flourish. It can become a country with a healthy environment, rich in nature with both a better business..

Continue reading 02 May 2016   8 jaar oud
