Nature reports

Publisher: Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)

Page 17 of 19 - 186 Results

Caulerpa macrophysa, a common green algal species of Bonaire. This algae forms mats tightly attached to rocks and corals, often in the intertidal or shallow areas

The 2019 Naturalis Biodiversity Center and ANEMOON Foundation expeditions worked, among other things, to catalog the wide variety of seaweeds off the coast of Bonaire. From this and previous reports, nearly 250 species were..

Continue reading 31 May 2020   4 jaar oud
Twee kleine kerstboomwormen (Spirobranchus polycerus) op golfbalkoraal (Favia fragum)

A series of recent surveys worked to highlight the important relationships between host corals, crabs and christmas tree worms. Studies were conducted off the coasts of Sint Eustatius, Curaçao and Bonaire. Understanding the..

Continue reading 19 May 2020   4 jaar oud
Lime Butterfly

The results of a four-year study, cataloging the butterfly species of St. Eustatius over the winter months of 2009-2012, have been published. This project also provided an update to species lists for the Dutch Caribbean islands of..

Continue reading 05 May 2020   4 jaar oud
Lizard Lesser Antiles 1

Two new research projects were set out to map the evolution and historical geographical migration of key amphibian and reptile species within the Lesser Antilles. Understanding critical differences between similar species and how..

Continue reading 08 March 2020   4 jaar oud
Green turtle  (Chelonia mydas)

Researchers from the University of Groningen recently used genetic testing to identify the geographical birthplaces of green sea turtles foraging within Lac Bay, Bonaire between 2006-2007 and 2015-2016. There was an overall..

Continue reading 09 February 2020   4 jaar oud
Ringed Kingfisher in flight

2019 proved to be an exciting year for birders on Bonaire, as three new species have been identified. The Brown-chested martin, White-collared swift and Ringed kingfisher were added to Bonaire’s increasing index of local birds...

Continue reading 05 February 2020   4 jaar oud

From 5 to 20 December 2019, the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and Wageningen Marine Research organized an expedition to the Saba Bank, close to the Dutch island of Saba in the Caribbean region. Experts on..

Continue reading 29 January 2020   4 jaar oud
Centruroides testaceus

A 2004-2005 study led by a researcher from the California Academy of Science worked to catalog arachnid species (such as spiders and scorpions) on Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. The recently published results in the Caribbean..

Continue reading 29 December 2019   4 jaar oud
Bonaire Palm

A recent scientific publication report describes the critically endangered Bonaire palm for the first time. Although the palm was already documented in 1979, it took till 2019 before scientists identified it as native solely to..

Continue reading 20 November 2019   4 jaar oud
Red-billed tropicbird at Plaza Sur

Black rats pose a significant threat to the biodiversity on Sint Eustatius. A rodent control project, funded by the Ministry LNV and implemented by Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute (CNSI), was launched in 2017. Over the..

Continue reading 13 November 2019   4 jaar oud
