Nature reports

Publisher: Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)

Page 3 of 18 - 174 Results

New Guinean land flatworm (Platydemus manokwari) on Bonaire.

During the relay expedition of Naturalis and STINAPA on Bonaire, the invasive New Guinea flatworm was found in two places. That’s bad news, because it has been listed among the top 100 of the world’s worst invasive alien species..

Continue reading 20 January 2024   6 mnd oud
Jacintha Ellers

Professor Jacintha Ellers, a keynote speaker at the Dutch Caribbean Nature-Based Solutions Symposium, discussed the evolving nature conservation perspective and the urgent need for eco-centric strategies amid climate challenges...

Continue reading 17 January 2024   6 mnd oud

Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) today announced the reintroduction of the locally extinct yellow-shouldered amazon, also known locally as ‘Lora’, back into Aruba’s nature...

Continue reading 13 January 2024   6 mnd oud

In the symposium on Nature-Based Solutions for Ecosystem Restoration hosted by the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance and Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba, Dr. Lawrence Jones-Walters of Wageningen University highlighted the NL 2120..

Continue reading 10 January 2024   6 mnd oud
DCNA symp lead

During the Nature-Based Solutions for Ecosystem Restoration Symposium, Arno Verhoeven showcased a number of flourishing Nature-Based Solutions ongoing within the Dutch Caribbean. From community-driven endeavors in St. Eustatius to..

Continue reading 06 January 2024   6 mnd oud
Sabal antillensis Christoffelberg.

Scientists from CARMABI and Wageningen University and Research made a groundbreaking discovery this week: a previously unknown population of the Curaçao Kabana palm on the eastern slope of the Christoffelberg. These palms are..

Continue reading 06 January 2024   6 mnd oud

The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance and Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba recently hosted a symposium on 'Nature-Based Solutions for Ecosystem Restoration', providing a platform for experts like Arxen Alders to share insights...

Continue reading 03 January 2024   6 mnd oud

Caribbean islands are not just picturesque destinations, they are also home to remarkable natural wonders. Natasha Silva, Chief Conservation Officer of Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba, recently shed light on the conservation..

Continue reading 20 December 2023   7 mnd oud
West-Indische Boomvaren Cyathea arborea na 138 jaar herontdekt op de steile binnenhelling van de Quill.

For 138 years, the steep slopes of the Quill volcano in Statia concealed a forgotten tree fern. Since 1885, the West Indian Tree Fern had not been recorded on the island. But during a vegetation survey, researchers found no less..

Continue reading 16 December 2023   7 mnd oud
rode flamingo(?)

Kickstarting last month's Nature-Based Solutions symposium, Mr. Charles Karangwa delivered an impactful speech on the potential of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to catalyze substantive action for sustainable development. He..

Continue reading 12 December 2023   7 mnd oud
