Nature reports

Publisher: Wageningen Marine Research

Page 2 of 2 - 19 Results

Hydrophones (underwater microphones) on the Saba Bank record sounds of a variety of marine species, from whales and dolphins to schools of fish

Since 2011, noise loggers have been collecting acoustic data of marine mammals, fish and man-made noises within Saba Bank. This project, a collaborate effort between Wageningen Marine Research and the Saba Conservation Foundation,..

Continue reading 14 October 2020   3 jaar oud
Close-up of settler

Diadema sea-urchins play a vital role in maintaining a balanced coral reef ecosystem by grazing away algae and creating bare substrate for coral recruitment. The RAAK PRO Diadema project aims to develop interventions to improve..

Continue reading 06 October 2020   3 jaar oud
Deploying Moreef modules

A new study compared the effectiveness of three popular artificial reefs to increase fish densities around Saba and St Eustatius. The researchers found that a complex internal structure, that provides more shelter availability,..

Continue reading 09 September 2020   3 jaar oud
Caribbean reef shark in the Man of War Shoal Marine Park , Sint Maarten.

Wageningen Marine Research reported ten reef-associated shark species in the Dutch Caribbean in a recent published study commissioned by DCNA. The most common species are the nurse shark and the Caribbean reef shark. Overall, more..

Continue reading 28 June 2019   5 jaar oud
Soepschildpad bij Bonaire

A seagrass species from the Red Sea is outcompeting the native seagrass species in the Caribbean, where the green sea turtle lives. These iconic turtles are seeing their grazing areas decline, because they have little interest in..

Continue reading 30 July 2018   5 jaar oud
Harbour porpoise bruinvis

About 15% of harbour porpoises found dead on beaches in the Netherlands has ingested plastic in the stomach. This is shown in a recent publication by Wageningen Marine Research and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Utrecht..

Continue reading 23 January 2018   6 jaar oud
Delphinus delphis. Gewone dolfijn

A large-scale international survey of whales, dolphins and porpoises in European Atlantic waters has estimated a total of more than 1.5 million cetaceans in the area in summer 2016. That has become clear after SCANS III, the third..

Continue reading 12 May 2017   7 jaar oud
Fulmarus glacialis. Noordse stormvogel

Plastic marine litter, both industrial granules and consumer wastes decline slowly but with certainty. For some years, this tendency was already present. Now, the addition of the data of monitoring year 2015 to the time series of..

Continue reading 01 December 2016   7 jaar oud
Het vliegtuig heeft speciale ronde ramen, dit geeft een onbelemmerd uitzicht op de zee onder het vliegtuig

This week, a group of eight researchers from five European countries is together for a special meeting in Le Touquet, France, to prepare a survey to assess the abundance and distribution of cetaceans in the European North Sea and..

Continue reading 17 May 2016   8 jaar oud
