Nature reports

Publisher: Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Page 1 of 10 - 92 Results

Korstmossen op een wegeik

The heat gradient in urban areas has affected the biodiversity of plants and animals. Yet, how it affects the hidden urban biodiversity, such as bacteria in soil and lichens, is still virtually unknown. This new study shows that..

Continue reading 29 June 2024   3 mnd oud
Vipera berus. Adder

A 3D model of imitation blood vessels will make it possible to see exactly how snake venom attacks blood vessels, without having to use laboratory animals. This new research model, called an organ-on-a-chip, was developed by a..

Continue reading 04 June 2024   4 mnd oud

The Dutch landscape is losing plant species that rely on pollination by insects, while plants pollinated by wind are proportionally increasing. Leiden environmental scientist Kaixuan Pan demonstrates this after analysing 87 years..

Continue reading 24 April 2024   6 mnd oud
Anthophora romandii, one of the over 2000 wild bee species in Europe, known from Portugal, Spain and the Balearic Islands is missing publicly available ecological data related to its long-term population trends, its size, feeding habits and plant interactions and has no available genetic sequence data. Anthophora romandii female (Hym. Apidae), 24.ii.2022, Andalucia, Spain.

Data gaps make it challenging to understand ecology, distribution, and conservation needs of wild bees in Europe. BeeFall compiles ecological data to map distribution, variation, trends, and interactions. It allows citizen..

Continue reading 02 March 2024   7 mnd oud

Tropical rainforests hold a wealth of biodiversity, but are globally approaching a critical point. The drastic decline is happening faster than expected, concludes an international research team. The team includes biologist Hans..

Continue reading 17 February 2024   8 mnd oud
New Guinean land flatworm (Platydemus manokwari) on Bonaire.

During the relay expedition of Naturalis and STINAPA on Bonaire, the invasive New Guinea flatworm was found in two places. That’s bad news, because it has been listed among the top 100 of the world’s worst invasive alien species..

Continue reading 20 January 2024   9 mnd oud
Links schedel-onderdeel (neurocranium) tonijn van het strand van Den Helder, rechts een exemplaar uit de collectie van Naturalis

Naturalis' free question service helps young and old to name finds from nature. Each year, we receive about 2,500 questions and this year even more than 3,000. What were the most surprising nature questions of 2023?..

Continue reading 30 December 2023   9 mnd oud
Een steekmug

Since the discovery that mosquitoes can transmit diseases, researchers have been interested in their distribution. However, the insect often continues to be a city resident that remains unnoticed. Therefore, researchers have now..

Continue reading 16 December 2023   10 mnd oud

Every Christmas the stories resurface: supposedly about 25,000 creatures are living in your Christmas tree. Exactly how much of this is true and which insects can actually be found? Naturalis' insect expert Aglaia Bouma can tell..

Continue reading 13 December 2023   10 mnd oud
Foto van de Annona hypoglauca

On the 30th of November a new book on the flora of the Guianas was festively presented at Naturalis. This book is a unique collection of the tropical plant family Annonaceae – also known as the soursop family – from Guyana, French..

Continue reading 02 December 2023   10 mnd oud
