Nature reports

Publisher: Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Page 9 of 10 - 93 Results

T. rex Trix in Naturalis

The type of question that museums ask about objects in their collection influences conversations between parents and children. Researchers from Leiden University and Naturalis Biodiversity Center studied how questions influence..

Continue reading 15 July 2020   4 jaar oud
icarusblauwtje in berm

In order to increase knowledge about Dutch biodiversity, a national approach to scientific research is necessary. To make this possible Naturalis, NIOO-KNAW, NIOZ-NWO and Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute-KNAW will start..

Continue reading 12 July 2020   4 jaar oud

A 2018 study of mosquito populations on the islands of Sint Maarten, Saba and Sint Eustatius documented eleven species, including two new species for Sint Maarten, a number of which are known to spread mosquito-borne diseases...

Continue reading 27 June 2020   4 jaar oud

Scientists in the Netherlands today announce the discovery of a new beetle species named after The Beatles. The insect was found on a citizen science 'expedition' to the Vondelpark in the heart of Amsterdam - close to the Hilton..

Continue reading 04 June 2020   4 jaar oud
Caulerpa macrophysa, a common green algal species of Bonaire. This algae forms mats tightly attached to rocks and corals, often in the intertidal or shallow areas

The 2019 Naturalis Biodiversity Center and ANEMOON Foundation expeditions worked, among other things, to catalog the wide variety of seaweeds off the coast of Bonaire. From this and previous reports, nearly 250 species were..

Continue reading 31 May 2020   4 jaar oud
Twee kleine kerstboomwormen (Spirobranchus polycerus) op golfbalkoraal (Favia fragum)

A series of recent surveys worked to highlight the important relationships between host corals, crabs and christmas tree worms. Studies were conducted off the coasts of Sint Eustatius, Curaçao and Bonaire. Understanding the..

Continue reading 19 May 2020   4 jaar oud
This is a kaka, an endangered parrot species endemic to New Zealand

The arrival of humans in New Zealand, some 700 years ago, triggered a wave of extinction among native bird species. Many more species are currently under threat. Calculations by scientists show that it would take at least 50..

Continue reading 14 August 2019   5 jaar oud

Professor Menno Schilthuizen, author of 'Darwin in the city', and Naturalis researcher Niels Kerstes cooperated with Vincent Kalkman and Thijmen Breeschoten on research into how urban temperatures have impacted the evolution of..

Continue reading 25 July 2019   5 jaar oud

Deforestation is currently the major threat to Amazonian tree species. But according to the outcome of research by – among others – Hans ter Steege of Naturalis Biodiversity Center, climate change may surpass it in just a few..

Continue reading 28 June 2019   5 jaar oud
Habitat op de overgang van zoet en zout water, Tagangrog Baai (Rusland)

Drilling in the coastal plains and lagoons on the Black Sea in Romania provides a picture of the evolution of the fauna there. These are unique Pontocaspian species that have evolved in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea areas in the..

Continue reading 25 June 2019   5 jaar oud



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