Nature reports
Publisher: Dutch Butterfly Conservation
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Scientists call for immediate action to reaffirm commitment to sustainability. In light of unprecedented environmental challenges and a growing planetary crisis, scientists from across Europe have issued an urgent appeal to EU..

Rewilding as a strategy for nature conservation is gaining popularity. The promotion of natural processes is key. The resulting biodiversity is often limited to large mammals and birds, invertebrates are rarely taken into..

How do we enhance biodiversity on farmland? To do this, farmers need to be motivated to care and promote it. But it also requires people who can monitor the developments through their observations and counts. Citizen science is..

Cascade, the trade association for raw material companies, teamed up with Dutch Butterfly Conservation in developing a roadmap to create more habitat for pollinators, such as butterflies, bees and hoverflies, at extraction sites...

Living with biodiversity definitely is one of the main challenges for humanity in the coming century. In his farewell address as Special Professor in Insect Ecology and Conservation at Wageningen University, Michiel Wallis de..

350 scientists participated from 7 to 10 September 2021 in the 12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, held online and organised by the University of Alicante (Spain) and SER Europe. As a result, the Conference ended..

Moths are a biologically diverse group and as such form a significant part of Europe’s fauna. They are found from shorelines to mountaintops, and from the Mediterranean to the sub-Arctic, contributing to key ecosystem services,..

Snake-root is host for rare butterflies and moths, especially in nutrient poor wet grasslands and heathlands in central European mountains. While a lot is known about distribution and biology of violet copper and ocellate bog..
On April 8-9, Dutch Butterfly Conservation organised its fifth symposium Future of Butterflies in Europe. Due to circumstances it was an online symposium, but this also allowed participants from more countries than ever to join:..

Airborne laser scanning creates high-resolution 3D images of the landscape. Researchers from the University of Amsterdam and the Dutch Butterfly Conservation used these data to study the habitat preferences of butterflies. They..