Nature reports

Publisher: STINAPA Bonaire

Page 1 of 1 - 5 Results

Sargassum influx

A joint experiment between WWF-Mexico and STINAPA Bonaire found that vegetables grown in soil enriched with sargassum had higher levels of arsenic and cadmium, heavy metals that can be toxic to humans and animals. Researchers warn..

Continue reading 15 June 2022   2 jaar oud

Healthy mangroves act as carbon sinks, storing a variety of greenhouse gases. When mangroves degrade they lose this ability, but to what extend is still unknown. A 2019 study of Bonaire’s mangroves worked to analyze the..

Continue reading 07 March 2021   3 jaar oud
Caulerpa macrophysa, a common green algal species of Bonaire. This algae forms mats tightly attached to rocks and corals, often in the intertidal or shallow areas

The 2019 Naturalis Biodiversity Center and ANEMOON Foundation expeditions worked, among other things, to catalog the wide variety of seaweeds off the coast of Bonaire. From this and previous reports, nearly 250 species were..

Continue reading 31 May 2020   4 jaar oud

Lionfish were first spotted off the coast of Bonaire back in 2009. Since then, STINAPA Bonaire has been working alongside a cast of dedicated volunteers to continuously track, monitor and control this expanding invasive species. ..

Continue reading 24 April 2019   5 jaar oud
Dolphins around Bonaire

In an effort to gather much needed information on local populations of whales, dolphins, manatees, sharks, rays and large groupers, STINAPA Bonaire has developed a Marine Animal Monitoring Form for all visiting the Yarari Marine..

Continue reading 27 March 2019   5 jaar oud
