Nature reports

Publisher: Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute

Page 1 of 1 - 5 Results

Queen conch.

The Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute, partnering with the Queen Conch Lab at the Florida Atlantic University is exploring the impacts of shifting seagrass species composition on local conch populations. Queen conch depends..

Continue reading 03 February 2023   1 jaar oud
Red-bellied Racer on Saba

The red-bellied racer is a harmless snake species found only on the islands of Saba and St. Eustatius, which represent just 11 percent of the species’ original range.  Little is known about the racer, which makes it an important..

Continue reading 30 November 2021   2 jaar oud
Close-up of settler

Diadema sea-urchins play a vital role in maintaining a balanced coral reef ecosystem by grazing away algae and creating bare substrate for coral recruitment. The RAAK PRO Diadema project aims to develop interventions to improve..

Continue reading 06 October 2020   3 jaar oud
Deploying Moreef modules

A new study compared the effectiveness of three popular artificial reefs to increase fish densities around Saba and St Eustatius. The researchers found that a complex internal structure, that provides more shelter availability,..

Continue reading 09 September 2020   3 jaar oud
Lime Butterfly

The results of a four-year study, cataloging the butterfly species of St. Eustatius over the winter months of 2009-2012, have been published. This project also provided an update to species lists for the Dutch Caribbean islands of..

Continue reading 05 May 2020   4 jaar oud
