Nature reports

Publisher: NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Page 1 of 7 - 61 Results

Plastic afval in de zee

A fungus living in the sea can break down the plastic polyethylene, provided it has first been exposed to UV radiation from sunlight. Researchers from, among others, NIOZ published their results in the scientific journal Science..

Continue reading 03 June 2024   1 maand oud

'Dust clouds' at the bottom of the deep sea, that will be created by deep-sea mining activities, descend at a short distance for the biggest part. That is shown by PhD research of NIOZ marine geologist Sabine Haalboom, on the..

Continue reading 15 May 2024   2 mnd oud

To preserve the important intertidal areas and salt marshes off our coasts for the future, we need more turbid water. That is one of the striking conclusions from a new study conducted by a Dutch-Chinese team of researchers and..

Continue reading 06 May 2024   2 mnd oud

Fish and invertebrate animals are far more affected by warmer and more acidic seawater than previously known. This is the conclusion of a study co-led by NIOZ marine biologist Katharina Alter, based on a new analysis method and..

Continue reading 11 April 2024   3 mnd oud

Over the past forty years, the Atlantic Ocean has experienced a tropicalization, with an increase of warmer-water species. The Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea, where warming has been more rapid, have seen a marked decline in..

Continue reading 27 March 2024   3 mnd oud

As more and more nutrients from land and air enter the world’s oceans, the dead zones without oxygen in the water will increase in size and intensity. That is the warning that PhD student Zoë van Kemenade, an organic geochemist at..

Continue reading 26 March 2024   4 mnd oud

Plants are not interchangeable when it comes to forming young dunes on a beach. This is shown in the thesis of coastal ecologist Carlijn Lammers of NIOZ. She discovered that sand couch and marram grass form different types of..

Continue reading 24 March 2024   4 mnd oud
Hung-An Tian conducting filtration of particulate organic carbon/nitrogen  in temperature control container onboard RV Araon

Iron that fertilizes the waters around Antarctica mostly comes from the deep, upwelling waters and the sediments there. That is shown by field research of NIOZ marine biogeochemist Hung-An Tian in the Amundsen Sea and the Weddell..

Continue reading 08 March 2024   4 mnd oud
Tjisse van der Heide

Professor of coastal ecology and NIOZ scientist Tjisse van der Heide receives a prestigious Vici grant for his research on coastal ecosystem restoration. NWO announced today that Van der Heide will receive a grant of one and a..

Continue reading 29 February 2024   4 mnd oud
Red Knot (Calidris canutus islandica) in the breeding grounds.

Climate change may speed up the emergence of insects in northern countries at the end of winter. This may cause breeding birds, migrating from the south, to come too late to benefit from the insect peak if they do not adjust their..

Continue reading 27 February 2024   4 mnd oud
