Nature reports

Page 49 of 67 - 667 Results

The migration of European and American eel severely declined. Therefore a lot of effort is being made to develop knowledge and to take conservation measures. Citizen scientists play an important role in monitoring and helping eels..

Continue reading 12 April 2018   6 jaar oud

It might seem like a 'whale of tale', but groundbreaking research from Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute is the first to demonstrate that just like human societies, beluga whales appear to value..

Continue reading 10 April 2018   6 jaar oud
Green jay

In the latest peer-reviewed publication on the potential impacts of a border wall on plants and animals, conservation biologists, led by a pair of scientists from The University of Texas at Austin, say that border walls threaten..

Continue reading 06 April 2018   6 jaar oud
the Grayling, Hipparchia semele

De Vlinderstichting (Dutch Butterfly Conservation) and CBS (Statistics Netherlands) coordinate the monitoring schemes for butterflies and dragonflies in the Netherlands and just released their report for 2017, including some clear..

Continue reading 03 April 2018   6 jaar oud
Zilverreiger, egret

A conceptual framework to help measure how conservation action helps species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species recover was presented in a paper published today in the journal Conservation Biology...

Continue reading 30 March 2018   6 jaar oud
Grey reef shark

It’s long been known that sharks help nourish coral reefs, but exactly to what extent has never been scientifically mapped out — until now...

Continue reading 27 March 2018   6 jaar oud
Grass, plants

Plants release pungent fumes belowground to defend themselves against herbivores, plagues and pathogens. But can they also attract beneficial bacteria in this way? According to new findings by NIOO-researchers, they can...and..

Continue reading 20 March 2018   6 jaar oud
Container, trash

Tiny plastic particles also present a threat to creatures on land and may have damaging effects similar or even more problematic than in our oceans. Researchers warn: the impact of microplastics in soils, sediments and the..

Continue reading 14 March 2018   6 jaar oud

From short ‘tsiks’ and ‘ekks’ to drawn-out ‘phees’ – all the sounds produced by marmoset monkeys are made up of individual syllables of fixed length. The smallest units of vocalisation and their rhythmic production in the brain of..

Continue reading 09 March 2018   6 jaar oud
mais - primair

In agricultural production, a globally growing area is cultivated with insect resistant, genetically modified (GM) crops, such as Bt-maize. In the Netherlands Bt-crops are not allowed. But with increasing pressure from society to..

Continue reading 08 March 2018   6 jaar oud
