Nature reports

Publisher: Wageningen Environmental Research

Page 4 of 4 - 40 Results

The capacity of the Amazon rainforest to take up CO₂ from the atmosphere is declining. Repeated measurements of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and carbon monoxide (CO) show that the eastern part releases more CO₂ than it absorbs, while the..

Continue reading 17 July 2021   3 jaar oud

Researchers from Wageningen University and Research compiled thousands of photographs taken on Bonaire to analyze tourist activities and highlight the most common visited locations. Understanding the visitortypes and how they are..

Continue reading 01 January 2021   3 jaar oud
Endemic Sabal palm, growing in a shrubland on limestone with Metopium brownii and Haematoxylon brasiletto

Vegetation scientists from Wageningen Environmental Research and Carmabi visited Bonaire in November to study the succession of the vegetation. Several plots that were described twenty years ago were resurveyed. The study is part..

Continue reading 26 January 2020   4 jaar oud

After the otter became extinct in the Netherlands in 1988, a programme for the re-introduction of otters has been ongoing since 2002. Data of winter 2018/2019 show that the population keeps growing in distribution and numbers, but..

Continue reading 17 December 2019   4 jaar oud

The soil plays an important role in determining the climate adaptability of plants. A soil that has favourable growing conditions, strengthens plant resilience against heat and drought, but a soil with adverse conditions is..

Continue reading 29 June 2019   5 jaar oud
Bombus terrestris, aardhommel op krokus

In conventional farming most attention goes out to quality of planting material, soil quality, fertilisation, weed control and similar aspects. Surprisingly little attention is being paid to the importance of ecosystem services..

Continue reading 08 September 2018   5 jaar oud
Jonge worm in marsbodemexperiment

Two young worms are the first offspring in a Mars soil experiment at Wageningen University & Research. Biologist Wieger Wamelink found them in a Mars soil simulant that he obtained from NASA. At the start he only added adult..

Continue reading 23 November 2017   6 jaar oud
Eerste rode tomaat op Marsbodemsimulant, vijf maanden na de start van het experiment

If humans are going to stay (semi) permanently on Mars or the moon they will have to grow their own food. The most important ingredients for agriculture are present on both celestial bodies; sand and water (in the form of ice)...

Continue reading 27 September 2017   6 jaar oud
Eerste rode tomaat op Marsbodemsimulant, vijf maanden na de start van het experiment

Researchers from Alterra Wageningen UR were able to grow and harvest ten different crop species on Mars and moon simulant. ‘The total above ground biomass produced on the Mars soil simulant was not significantly different from the..

Continue reading 09 March 2016   8 jaar oud
Weidegang bij Oudewater

Biodiversity in Europe is disappearing at an alarming rate. The European Common Agricultural Policy proposed that between three and seven percent of EU farmland should be managed as ecological focus area to halt this loss. Thus..

Continue reading 11 February 2016   8 jaar oud
