Nature reports

Publisher: World Wide Fund for Nature – Netherlands

Page 3 of 3 - 25 Results

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They were all over the news in August and September: the massive forest fires in South America. Thousands of hectares burned down and many precious natural areas were destroyed. In this disastrous and dangerous environment,..

Continue reading 31 October 2019   4 jaar oud
Resource mapping exercises like this one are carried out separately with men and women in the Oku communities. Mount Kilum, Cameroon

Science… You might associate the term with professors with thick glasses and white coats, or large university buildings. For ages, science has been like that indeed. A new field originated during the past few decades though, based..

Continue reading 28 September 2019   4 jaar oud
Schildpad en koraal

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) launched a landmark Global Assessment Report providing persuasive evidence on the rapid deterioration of nature and its contributions to people across..

Continue reading 08 May 2019   5 jaar oud
East Pacific Fishing

After three meetings of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), member countries have reached consensus on a conservation measure for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific. The agreement only covers this year and..

Continue reading 14 March 2017   7 jaar oud
Cygnus cygnus. Wilde zwaan

Global populations of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish have declined by 58 percent between 1970 and 2012. Animals living in the world’s lakes, rivers, and freshwater systems have experienced the most dramatic..

Continue reading 31 October 2016   7 jaar oud
