Nature reports
Publisher: Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Page 2 of 10 - 93 Results

On the 30th of November a new book on the flora of the Guianas was festively presented at Naturalis. This book is a unique collection of the tropical plant family Annonaceae – also known as the soursop family – from Guyana, French..

The Leiden initiative De Grachtwacht, which has been cleaning the canals since 2018, received the NWO Communication Initiative Award yesterday. Founders Auke-Florian Hiemstra and Liselotte Rambonnet, affiliated with Naturalis and..

Capgemini experts, together with Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Amazon Web Services, have developed AI models that recognize insect sounds. This is important both for research and nature conservation. ..
The partnership ARISE wants to map all Dutch biodiversity. Therefore, they called on the help of experts with their own collection from Dutch nature. With success! The bardcoding NL day was the start to expand the national DNA..

What different types of plants and fungi exist, how does variety in species arise, and how are the species doing? A new report from Kew Botanical Gardens released last Tuesday answers these questions. Naturalis researcher Renske..

Hidden in the Amazon forest are thousands of remnants of ancient civilizations. These hidden structures, also called geoglyphs, reveal much about the history of the Amazon. A major study of these geoglyphs and their relationship..

Using X-ray imaging, Naturalis researcher Richard Dearden and colleagues have discovered what the cartilages that surrounded the brain of the 455-million-year-old fish Eriptychius americanus looked like. Dearden's research was..

Machine learning, often called 'AI', makes it possible to uncover the mysterious world of animal communication, analysing their sounds that convey so much information. A new project called 'Bioacoustic AI' is going to make this..

An international team of biologists has sequenced the genomes of 24 Antarctic fish species to investigate how they survive the extreme cold. This work enables our study of how these organisms survive in the subzero Southern Ocean..

Observation platforms help map the rapid spread of the southern birch leafminer moth. The changing climate seems to be the explanation for its speedy advance. ..