Nature reports

Publisher: Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research

Page 1 of 2 - 11 Results

Camera, bird, great tit, koolmees

Reliability of data and motivation of citizens are the factors of success. This is the conclusion of an international team of scientists with the participation of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin and..

Continue reading 12 May 2018   6 jaar oud
Vampire bat

Vampire bats feed exclusively on blood, a mode of feeding unique amongst mammals. It has therefore been long suspected that vampire bats have highly specific evolutionary adaptations. It turns out that the microbiome plays an..

Continue reading 06 March 2018   6 jaar oud
Erinaceus europaeus. Egel

Wildlife is conquering the city, in Berlin and other places. Many people now have their first encounters with wildlife in urban areas – often, but not always, these are exciting experiences with a happy ending. To satisfy the..

Continue reading 16 February 2018   6 jaar oud

The saola, a primitive wild cattle endemic to the Annamite mountain range in Vietnam and Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), is in immediate danger of extinction. The primary threat to its survival is intensive commercial..

Continue reading 08 November 2017   6 jaar oud
Sciurus vulgaris. Eekhoorn

A previously unknown poxvirus causes severe disease in European red squirrels from Germany. Molecular genetic investigations revealed a new virus species in the family of Poxviridae. ..

Continue reading 18 August 2017   6 jaar oud

An international team of scientists has proposed a new multi-disciplinary approach in which an array of new technologies will allow us to map biodiversity and the risks that wildlife is facing at the scale of whole landscapes. "If..

Continue reading 28 July 2017   6 jaar oud
Sus scrofa. Wild zwijn

Different than expected, wild boars do not come to Berlin in order to use garbage or other anthropogenic food resources. In fact, also in the city they predominantly consume natural resources. The researchers analysed the stomachs..

Continue reading 09 June 2017   7 jaar oud

Cheetahs are categorised as vulnerable species, partly because they have been considered to be prone to diseases due to their supposed weak immune system. However, they are hardly ever sick in the wild. ..

Continue reading 18 April 2017   7 jaar oud
Indian rhinoceros. Rhinoceros unicornis

Female rhinoceros often suffer from vaginal or uterus tumors, which complicate the production of offspring. For the first time, scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin and the University of..

Continue reading 28 March 2017   7 jaar oud
Eurasian wolf in Skansen Zoo

Since the year 2000, the Eurasian wolf has spread across Germany. For Ines Lesniak, doctoral student at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, and her colleagues a good reason to have a closer look at the small..

Continue reading 10 March 2017   7 jaar oud
