Nature reports

Publisher: EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten

Page 1 of 1 - 5 Results

Every Christmas the stories resurface: supposedly about 25,000 creatures are living in your Christmas tree. Exactly how much of this is true and which insects can actually be found? Naturalis' insect expert Aglaia Bouma can tell..

Continue reading 13 December 2023   1 jaar oud
Rosse sprinkhaan

Since October 2022, Xeno-canto, the largest website for sound recordings of birds, has been updated with grasshoppers. This opens the possibility for naturalists to share recordings of grasshoppers. It also facilitates the..

Continue reading 09 November 2022   2 jaar oud
Lady beetle (Cycloneda sanguinea)

Last December, a beetle catalogue for the Dutch Caribbean was published. This voluminous paper provides the first critical review of the beetle species reported for the islands. Only about a fifth of the species which are likely..

Continue reading 04 August 2021   3 jaar oud

Mid-December last year, a beetle catalogue of the Dutch Antilles was published in the journal 'Tijdschrift voor Entomologie'. The voluminous paper, comprising 120 pages, provides the first critical review of the beetle species..

Continue reading 27 January 2021   4 jaar oud
Insectencamera in het wormerveld

In the global effort to reduce biodiversity loss, monitoring the spread and abundance of insect species is a key element. Automated camera traps for insects are widely used to monitor insects, however counting and identifying of..

Continue reading 01 June 2019   5 jaar oud
