Nature reports

Publisher: Caribbean Cetacean Society

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Op de uitkijk voor walvissen en dolfijnen, met de camera in de hand

The Caribbean Cetacean Society (CCS) looks back with satisfaction at the first Ti Whale An Nou expedition on the ABC-islands. In the month of October CCS did scientific research on the diversity, distribution and movement patterns..

Continue reading 24 November 2023   8 mnd oud

In 2022, sixth joint scientific expeditions of the Ti Whale An Nou program took place. Ti Whale An Nou means 'Our own little whales'in a mix of English and French Caribbean Creole. The research program studies the diversity,..

Continue reading 04 January 2023   1 jaar oud

Marine mammals in the Caribbean: a threatened treasure in our waters Over the last two years, the Caribbean Cetacean Society (CCS) has been studying cetaceans (whales and dolphins) in the Lesser Antilles with the support of the..

Continue reading 25 October 2022   1 jaar oud
