Nature reports

Publisher: ARK Nature

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On Sunday November 26th the Dogger Bank expedition has sailed out from Lauwersoog, to scope opportunities for the biggest nature rewilding project in the North Sea ever. Inspite of its Marine Protected Area status, large parts are..

Continue reading 27 November 2023   7 mnd oud
All things start small, but the idea of rewilding has now started to move into mainstream conservation EENMALIG GEBRUIK

On March 20, people across the planet will celebrate the first annual #WorldRewildingDay, raising awareness of rewilding and the need to recover nature...

Continue reading 20 March 2021   3 jaar oud
Wild Konik horses in the Oder Delta, spreading between the border of Poland and Germany

In the current issue of leading journal Science, an international team of researchers calls for a shift toward the dynamic, process-led restoration where nature takes much more care of itself. They present a science-based..

Continue reading 27 April 2019   5 jaar oud

This year four bison calves have been born in Kraansvlak, a coastal dune area that is part of Zuid-Kennemerland National Park. Including the newborns, the herd counts 26 bison. The past ten years in total 33 calves have been born..

Continue reading 05 August 2018   5 jaar oud

Since the arrival of European bison - also known as wisent - in Dutch dune reserve Kraansvlak near Zandvoort in 2007, ecological research has been carried out in the project of PWN and ARK Nature. This research has yielded..

Continue reading 04 February 2018   6 jaar oud
Komst wisent op de Maashorst

Today The Netherlands witnessed the start of a new bison grazing project. The first four animals were released in the Maashorst nature reserve in the south-eastern part of the country (Province of North Brabant) where ultimately a..

Continue reading 07 March 2016   8 jaar oud
